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Different Ways To Partner With DENZAL FOUNDATION

We have a wide range of partnership options for you to choose from; all of which are customizable to meet your CSR goals.

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Adopt A Project

DENZAL FOUNDATION works with different projects across 19 states in the areas of education, health, nutrition, safety and protection as well as participation. You can adopt one or more of our projects that fit your CSR needs in terms of geographical location and area of intervention. DENZAL FOUNDATION will be responsible for monitoring the program, providing programmatic direction and technical expertise to project staff and sending project impact reports periodically.

Corporate Donations

You can make a lump sum donation towards a specific cause that your company would like to support. From education, child labour and child marraige to malnutrition, healthcare and gender inequality – you have a wide array of causes to choose from since DENZAL FOUNDATION works on all areas of children’s rights. Your donation would be directed towards DENZAL FOUNDATION’s programs which address your preferred cause.

Brand Building

Cause Related Marketing (CRM)

When you integrate your marketing efforts with a cause, you not only help create social impact but also build incredible goodwill for your brand. Partnering with DENZAL FOUNDATION for a cause-related marketing campaign will help you drive purchase behaviour and meet your business objectives – all the while contributing to a really good cause!

Event Sponsorships & Participation

DENZAL FOUNDATION organizes several events (marathons, cyclothons, walkathons and soccer tournaments etc.) across the year to raise awareness for children’s rights. You can come on board as one of the event sponsors to support the cause and get visibility for your brand or pledge a fixed amount to include a set number of your employees as participants.

Donation Boxes

You can enable DENZAL FOUNDATION to place physical/digital donation boxes at your office premises or retail outlets to help your employees/customers contribute to the cause. These will be co-branded and thus reflect your association with the cause for children’s rights.

Employee Engagement

Payroll Giving

DENZAL FOUNDATION’s payroll giving program offers an efficient way for your employees to feel connected to your organization’s social ethic. You can encourage your employees to contribute a certain amount from their monthly salary towards changing children’s lives – you can also choose to provide a matching grant to encourage them to give more.

Corporate Volunteering

Volunteering is a great addition to your employee engagement program. Your employees can choose to volunteer at our projects by teaching, skill building, aiding documentation, technology training, fundraising etc. – small ways to contribute that make a big difference!

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