Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Education Project
Denzal Foundation er forpligtet til at opnå adskillige milepæle og efterlod uudslettelig historie i styrkelsen af vores samfund i de kommende år. Disse præstationer kan aldrig opnås uden lidenskabeligt lederskab og utrættelig indsats fra Denzal Foundation Execution Teams på stedet i alle dens kapitler i Indien og i udlandet.
For at styrke vores vækst og ekspansion gør vi vores Chapters 'Process-Oriented' og strømlinede. Vi er forpligtet til at omdanne vores medlemmer og frivillige til ledere, som vil spille vigtige roller nationalt og internationalt i de kommende dage.
Chapter Executive Team (CET) er det højeste beslutningstagende organ på kapitelniveau, som vil stræbe efter opfyldelsen af Denzal Foundations mission og vision. CET vil rapportere direkte til State Executive Team (SET) for enhver koordinering, der kræves på kapitelniveau.
CETs hovedansvar omfatter, men er ikke begrænset til;
Sørg for at identificere gruppens mål og tænk derefter på aktiviteter, der vil hjælpe med at nå disse mål. En af Denzal Foundations hovedaktiviteter har været en Skill Development Lectures (SDL). Vi har gjort dette fra begyndelsen for at hjælpe de fleste underprivilegerede børn i skoler og gymnasier i forskellige dele af Indien.
Officiel Repræsentation
Traditional wellness programs have focused on things like physical activity and healthy eating. Holistic wellness programs, on the other hand, combine more aspects of individuals’ lives to improve total health. Programming include activities that encourage:
Career well-being
Social well-being
Financial well-being
Physical well-being
Community well-being
Holistic Wellness Programs Recognize the Diverse Needs of the society
A holistic approach recognizes that wellness touches every aspect of a person’s health. Wellness is what we eat, how much we exercise, and how we take care of chronic conditions. Wellness also is how we budget for health care and how we cope with stress.
With a holistic wellness program, students have more flexibility to customize their own path to wellness based on what matters most to them.
Schools must recognize that students’ emotional, social, physical, and fiscal health all are related. For example, if financial challenges stress an students, her health can suffer, even if the students eats whole foods and gets regular exercise.
Taking a holistic approach may make wellness programs more attractive to students. Offering a variety of wellness options that touch on all areas of well-being will drive quality, engaged participation.
We envision to build Global community and a healthy nation and improve lives of the community through high quality and preventive health care initiatives
To ensure improved health and well-being of communities by promoting preventing healthcare and investing in programs, partnerships and ideas that spreads awareness, take preventive action and diagnostic measures for community we serve. We work in the areas of Non- communicable diseases, Adolescent healthcare, Geriatric care, Public healthcare initiatives, Water & sanitation and Creating employment opportunities in healthcare. Additionally, Denzal Foundation shall endeavour to work closely with different stakeholder like NGOs, likeminded Organizations and the Government to achieve the outlaid intents for the communities we serve
Peer Education and Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Education Project Clubs in Schools and Colleges
Hensigten med Denzal Foundation Chapter Events Form er at sikre, at vi ikke går glip af nogen begivenhed, der bliver gennemført. Alle begivenhedsdetaljerne er samlet på ét sted for at sikre, at processen kører jævnt videre.
Hvis du er baseret i nogen af byerne bortset fra allerede
Vi anmoder alle kapitelledere om venligst at opdatere detaljerne om begivenheden
BEMÆRK - Kun detaljer fanget i formularen vil blive nævnt på sociale medier og Denzal Foundations månedlige nyhedsbrev. Opdatering skal ske senest den 30. i hver måned.
- Kontakt:
To engage young people meaningfully in the Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Education Project (GCAHHEP).
To create awareness about the Global Citizenship and Holistic Health issues among adolescents
To provide a platform for free discussion on issues related to Global Citizenship and Holistic Health .
To equip adolescents with accurate information, knowledge and skills in the specific contexts of the process of growing up, prevention of HIV/AIDS and prevention of substance (drug abuse).
To engage Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassadoras a link between teachers and the students.
Vi håber, at I alle vil samarbejde og yde jeres hjælp og støtte som altid.
Ms. Shakeba Umar | +91 9667008108 | denzalfoundation@gmail.com
Relaterede dokumenter:
Since Global Citizenship and Holistic Health education activities are to be transacted in different classes, two students studying in each class need to be selected as Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador. ;
The selected students must have a mindset and outlook for acting as a facilitator for transaction of activities, an initiator (a catalyst) of the process of experiential learning and the qualities of providing positive leadership to the peer group;
Key traits of Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador
Respected by peer
Non judgmental
Role model
Interested Self confident
Effective Communicator
It should ideally be 2 boys and 2 girls.
Constitution of the Club
The club will be known as Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Club of the Vidyalaya.
All Students of Class- VIII onwards of the school and second year graduation onwards are the members of the Global Citizenship and Holistic Health club. 4 Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador, two (one boy and one girl) from each class will be nominated as Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador / programme initiators of the Vidyalaya.
One student from among the 4 Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador will be nominated as the convener of the club, who will take care of the scheduling for the meeting twice in a month.
Principal and the AEP nodal teacher/ master trainers of the school will be the advisor of the club.
The tenure of the Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador and convener may be on rotational basis.
The basic framework is suggestive in nature; the Vidyalayas can go beyond the recommended guidelines.
Global Citizenship and Holistic Health club meeting should be organised at least once in a fortnight.
Role and Functions of Peer Educator
Lending active support to Nodal Coordinator/Master trainers in the organization of activities and transaction of life skills focused Global Citizenship and Holistic Health education in and outside classrooms;
Interactions with Peer Group for empowering its members:
As a follow up of the sessions engaged by Nodal Coordinator/Master Trainers, having continued interaction with the peer group as per the need;
Making need-based interventions for creating and sustaining an enabling environment in and outside schools; and
Acting as role models by “practicing” what s/he “preaches”.
Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador have to keep abreast of new information and knowledge in respect of adolescent concerns, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse and related issues.
While following up the sessions conducted by Nodal Coordinator/Master Trainer, the Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador may observe the following Dos and Don’ts:
He/she has to avoid conveying personal values, especially while discussing value laden issues.
He/she has to respect the diversity of background of the peer members, their values and beliefs.
He/she has to convince all the peer members that no idea or opinion is absurd or unwarranted. Every issue may be discussed in view of the scientific facts and in the context of the positive elements of socio-cultural ethos.
He/she should give accurate and authentic information, and let the peer members make their own decisions based on facts.
If there is some confidential concern, the Peer Educator should provide information where the concerned peer member may get professional help. One must remember that Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador do not provide treatment or therapy.
He/she has to lead by example, continues to have the trust and confidence of peer members and is to evolve as a young ambassador of AEP.
The Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador need not be prescriptive, as experiences prove abundantly that preaching is counter-productive.
He/she is not to make value judgment either of peer members or their views, as education is more effective when varied views are expressed and discussed.
He/she should not conduct sessions in a personalized manner.
He/she need not comment on things that cannot be changed.
He/she need not reject or ridicule any point of view expressed by peer members, even though it may not be acceptable to him/her or may be against the social norms.
S/he should never modify or manipulate scientific facts for gaining an immediate acceptability of the peer group.
Ground Rules to Follow for Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Club
The Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador are expected to be sensitive towards the adolescent issues.
The Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador should act as a link and not adviser to his peers.
In no case should the right of a child be violated, mutilated or demoralized.
No students will be asked to stay beyond the school hours. The programme will be incorporated within the school hours only.
The teachers will facilitate all the activities, but choice of activity and organisation of activities should involve all students from classes of VIII- XI. For e.g., if students are keen for an activity to discuss problems like their a particular disease , the effort should be made to organise a talk with some empaneled Health expert /counselor/ experts who would interact with the students or organize a health camp or some relevant event.
The Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Club is not a forum for addressing personal grievances/ complaints of students. Only those themes are taken up, which are related to Global Citizenship and Holistic Health issues and affect all students.
Indicators of Successful Sustenance of Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Club in Vidyalayas/ Universities/ Colleges
As each Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Club will organize a number of programmes and activities round the year in a planned manner, the success will broadly depend on the following programme indicators.
Total number of programmes and activities organized in a month, quarter and a year.
Total number of participants in each programme and activity with particular reference to Global Citizenship and Holistic Health , life skill etc.
Documentation of different programmes, activities, individual club events, individual club members, certain reports/ documents published.
Volunteering of parents/ stake holders in the community for adding any value to the Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Club etc. This will show the successful nature of parent-students interaction and sustenance of the club;
Voluntary running of certain special trainings, skill development effort etc.
General impression of the parents/ stake holders/ government officials who visit the club.
Roles and Responsibilities in Constitution of Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Club
Initiation of the club
Principal/ Nodal teacher
Club formation and selection of members
Nodal teacher/ Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador
Plan of activity
Nodal teacher/ Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador
Undertaking activity
Nodal teacher/ Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador
Class wise innovations
Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador
Organizing the meeting
Visit other schools and document
Principal/ club members
VVS/ Parents involvement
Principal/ Nodal teacher
Activities to be undertaken
The clubs will undertake mandatory schoolbased activities following the guidelines of Mandatory Campus-Based Activities to be organized by Nodal Coordinator and Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador in Schools and colleges.
The clubs can undertake any additional activity like wall activities, street plays, poster competitions, celebrating important days e.g. International Day of the Girl Child(11th October), inviting guest talks on Global Citizenship and Holistic Health and life skill issues, co-curricular activities etc. at their level with due consultation of the adviser of the club.
The developments and discussions needs to be documented by the Global Citizenship and Holistic Health ambassador. Good practices, stories, photographs on different issues may also be captured.
Each activity will be undertaken as within CCA framework