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Adopt an Orphan

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DENZAL FOUNDATION will support needy orphans and poor individuals all over India through this project. The aim is to identify the poor and orphans who do not have a permanent source of income to support their education and other basic needs. Many of these individuals are not included in any local government/municipality/community social welfare programs. They are not even able to manage their day-to-day expenses, forgetting other important expenses like education and skill training that can change the course of their lives.

The main goal of this project is to provide them with the means to cover part or all of these expenses through a permanent sponsorship from a dedicated donor so that they regularly receive a helping hand filled with love and sympathy.



If you want to register any orphans for this program, please register at this link.



We are determined to continue this effort in the long term so that the challenge and hardships of being an orphan or a poor dependent child can be reduced. We want these individuals to join the national mainstream and lead their lives according to all the opportunities available to others and fulfill their dreams.

Select one or more individuals from the list and donate according to your capacity depending on the age of the child and the requirement. The donation can even be divided on the following basis:

1. Annual basis:

• Donate/Donate Rs. 15,000 per child throughout the year

Det centrale projektteam er den vigtigste gruppe til at implementere projekter ledet af Shakeba Umar. Dette team vil administrere alle de andre specifikke projektteams og aktiviteter, der er planlagt lejlighedsvis.

2. Quarterly basis:

• Donate/Donate Rs. 4,000/- per child for 3 months


3. Monthly basis:

• Donate/contribute at least Rs. 1,400 per child per month


4. Donate/contribute your available amount:

• Donors who cannot sponsor the full amount for at least one child can donate to this cause and we will allocate the collective funds of many such people to one such child.


"Evnen til at omsætte en vision til virkelighed er defineret af et team"

• Select an orphan from the list above

• Donate by clicking the Donate button at the top of this page


CETs hovedansvar omfatter, men er ikke begrænset til;


Once you have made the donation, inform our team at with the selected orphan details and we will map the donor with the selected orphans.


Denzal Foundation er forpligtet til at opnå adskillige milepæle og efterlod uudslettelig historie i styrkelsen af vores samfund i de kommende år. Disse præstationer kan aldrig opnås uden lidenskabeligt lederskab og utrættelig indsats fra DENZAL FOUNDATION Execution Teams på jorden i alle dets kapitler i Indien og i udlandet. 

For at styrke vores vækst og ekspansion gør vi vores Chapters  'Process-Oriented' og strømlinede. Vi er forpligtet til at omdanne vores medlemmer og frivillige til ledere, som vil spille vigtige roller nationalt og internationalt i de kommende dage. 

- Members of DENZAL FOUNDATION Network or local/community


Denzal Foundation initierede Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Education Project. Global Citizenship and Holistic Health Education Project (GCHHE) er en fællesskabsbaseret intervention til forebyggelse og kontrol af ikke-smitsomme sygdomme i forskellige skoler og gymnasier.

through the relevant DENZAL FOUNDATION Chapter team.

2. In parallel, new donors will be involved in the project through word of mouth, social media marketing, DENZAL FOUNDATION events, portals and all possible means to spread information about this project.

3. Orphans/poor individuals will be matched with their respective donors if donors choose to donate/contribute for a full year or more.

4. In the event that there are no donors available and we have no additional funds available, we will put the child on a waiting list and match the donor with the child when the next donor becomes available.

5. We will send regular reminders to all donors about their sponsorship dues via call, email/SMS/message

6. As soon as the donated amount reaches the child, a member of our team will immediately inform the donor and confirm it.

7. We will also keep them updated on their Growth and Progress Report.

8. We will publish Project Reports in a timely manner so that the donor is well informed and transparency is maintained.

9. Sometimes a donor may want to decrease/increase the number of sponsored individuals or the amount to be donated, which will be facilitated by our team.


1. The goal is to maintain a zero waiting list for individuals and donors - i.e. continuous acceptance of individuals and donors.

2. We plan to launch this program in more regions/states of India and involve more individuals and donors simultaneously.

Det er også et faktum, at der i Indien er to presserende spørgsmål med hensyn til sundhedspleje. Den ene er den stigende forekomst af ikke-smitsomme sygdomme som hypertension, diabetes, fedme, hjerte-kar-sygdomme, som lægger en betydelig sygdomsbyrde på et allerede overbelastet sundhedssystem. Den anden er den alvorlige mangel på kvalificeret og veluddannet arbejdskraft i sundhedsvæsenet. Yderligere er der store dele af samfundet, som ikke er klar over den stigende forekomst af NCD'er og heller ikke har adgang til ordentlig sundhedspleje. Så vi er nødt til at løse problemet i begge ender – øge bevidstheden om NCD'er samt øge puljen af kvalificeret sundhedspersonale. Fonden har iværksat initiativer på to vigtige, men oversete områder. dvs. ikke-smitsomme sygdomme og udvikling af færdigheder.


1. Freedom for the donor to connect with the orphan/poor child directly based on the level of sponsorship chosen, the choice of venue and the background of the individuals.

2. Screening orphans/poor individuals through DENZAL Foundation team/volunteers in more than 200 cities.

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