Denzal Foundation Center for Research and Innovation

Center for Research and Innovation
Denzal Foundation centre for Research and innovation is created to be Centre of Excellence for training, research and development in in various disciplines including Engineering, Physical Sciences, Management and Humanities & Social Sciences. In doing so, it is expected to contribute significantly to building of this nation, and to the industrialization around the world.
It’s a Known fact that major part of - Population live under poverty line and with very limited access to Information and guidance. Some Say Information is Wealth and one of the reasons for backwardness of - community is inaccessibility to education and thereby information and guidance. The lack of Information and lack of Guidance prevents them from overcoming the harsh challenges of life and leaves them unchanged in their economic state or further deterioration and hence the majority of the community in India remains in darkness even after all precious efforts of sincere people.
Keeping in mind the philosophy of progress through guidance, DENZAL FOUNDATION endeavours to start a project called, ‘DENZAL FOUNDATION Resource Centre’ which will consist of both Information and Guidance. It will strive to be one stop solution for each and every query -. It will be designed keeping in the point of view of end user or layman. It will be actively supported by DENZAL FOUNDATION volunteers throughout India with the help of its chapters across India. The first role of these volunteers would be collecting information at one place and second by providing it to people with no access to internet or this information. Also the team located in different cities, districts and states will be continuously doing the collection/re validation and promotion of the available data on regular basis.
DENZAL FOUNDATION Resource Centre is expected to contain comprehensive List of Educational Institutes, List of NGOs involved in affirmative activities, List of important government schemes. Further with the intent of providing Guidance, the data may contain, the admission procedure, how to approach, speciality of the institution, courses offered, scholarships offered, point of contacts and much more. The Resource Centre will be a combination of Information and Guidance, and will be designed, so that the end user with limited aptitude gets the information he requires and does not have to constrain much.
Det skal ideelt set være 2 drenge og 2 piger.
denzal foundation@gmail.com . Our team will get in touch with you.