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En omfattende paraplyordning, der sigter mod at forbedre kvaliteten af uddannelse på alle niveauer ved at tilføre kvalitet og ekspertise i vores lærere og undervisning. Lærerne er rygraden og kernen i uddannelsessystemet.


Denzal Foundation Chapters advance the mission and objectives by promoting volunteerism and welfare work at local level. Participating in welfare programs is a key benefit of your membership and is supported at the chapter level through activities, meetings, and events. We encourage our members to initiate chapters in their areas to enable networking with fellow members from different walks of life, in a local, face-to-face setting. Denzal Foundation members are the key drivers of our success – and our chapters are the key vehicle for supporting and engaging our members. 

Denzal Foundation, which is head quartered in Delhi, is proud to have their noble cause implemented in multiple states and cities in India. We have our presence in all major states of India. 

Denzal Foundation Chapter Executive Team

Denzal Foundation is committed to achieve several milestones and left indelible history in the empowerment of our community in the coming years. These achievements can never be achieved without passionate leadership and tireless efforts by Denzal Foundation Execution Teams on the ground in all its Chapters in India and abroad. 

To strengthen our growth and expansion, we are making our Chapters  ‘Process-Oriented' and streamlined. We are committed to transforming our Members & Volunteers into Leaders, who will play important roles Nationally and internationally in the coming days. 

The Chapter Executive Team (CET) is the highest decision making body at Chapter Level which will strive for the fulfilment of Denzal Foundation Mission and Vision. CET will be reporting directly to the State Executive Team (SET) for any coordination required at Chapter Level.  


The major responsibilities of CET include but are not limited to;

  1. Taking Initiatives in Core areas of Denzal Foundation Operations

  2. Imbibing Denzal Foundation Processes & Procedures

  3. Inspiring Members & Collaborative Decision Making

  4. Chapter Management and Membership

  5. Data Management

  6. Policy Implementation

Official Representation

Seksuel sundhed og menstruationshygiejne Empowerment-program for piger og kvinder


If you are reading this page, you are probably interested in starting a new chapter of Denzal Foundation in your area. We appreciate and welcome your interest in Denzal Foundation and would like to make it easy for you to be able to start a new chapter. Before this, request you to kindly refer to the all the pages in About Us section of our site. This will give you a complete understanding of Denzal Foundation and our activities. Also, please make sure you are in contact with one of the core members of Denzal Foundation so that you can get more clarity on our projects. Details are mentioned in the Denzal Foundation Team section here.

There are certain minimum requirements that a new chapter needs to satisfy before it can be designated as an Denzal Foundationchapter:

Be sure to identify the goals of the group and then think about activities that will help achieve those goals. One of the main activities of Denzal Foundation has been a Skill Development Lectures (SDL). We have been doing this from the beginning to help mostly underprivileged children in schools and colleges in various parts of India. 

Establish a chapter in your city/college/ University/society/locality

Med den hensigt at øge elevernes generelle bevidsthed og konkurrenceånd og identificere de bedste og dygtigste elever at støtte og pleje,

If you are based out of any of the cities apart from the already existing Denzal Foundation Chapters and want to contribute to Denzal Foundation’s objective then you can start a Local Chapter. Let us form local chapters in every District of our country and spread this noble cause and make our society a better place to live. Our local chapters will replicate all initiatives which are implemented in Delhi and other Denzal Foundation Chapters. For more information on how to set up an Denzal Foundation Chapter contact us on given numbers.

You can download the chapter petition from the link below and send the filled and signed form for approval at


Ms. Shakeba Umar | +91 9667008108 |

Related Documents:

upload filled form


  1. Any ten or more Members of the Association residing in a distinct geographic area may request permission from the Denzal Foundation Governing Council to associate themselves into a Local Chapter of Denzal Foundation. 

  2. The purpose of the chapter shall be to identify and implement strategies to make individuals educationally, socially, politically and economically empowered. The chapter shall adopt and implement the stated mission of Denzal Foundation.

  3. It is mandatory that all members of local chapters become members of Denzal Foundation. The Chapter shall have an executive body comprising of at least a Chapter Head and a Secretary.

  4. The chapters shall recommend amongst themselves a Head of the chapter to Denzal Foundation Governing Council. 

  5. The Chapters shall make all efforts to facilitate the achievements of the purposes and goals of the Association, particularly the recruitment of new members of Denzal Foundation.

  6. The Chapters shall not carry out or knowingly support any activity that may be, or is likely to be, detrimental to the interests of Denzal Foundation, or contrary to generally recognized and established Islamic discipline, traditions and mannerism.

  7. All membership dues are to be paid to Denzal Foundation Headquarter directly. 

  8. Any donation of chapter members should be deposited with the Denzal Foundation master account and disbursed by Denzal Foundation.

  9. The Chapter shall report its financial statements and activities to Denzal Foundation Headquarters on a quarterly basis.

  10. The name of the chapter shall be ‘Denzal Foundationxxx Chapter’, where xxx represents the name of the place where the chapter is located.

  11. The chapter may lose its status as Denzal Foundation chapter at the discretion of the Denzal Foundation Governing Council. However, the reason for such an action shall be clearly stated and justified.

  12. Membership to the chapter shall be open to every individual, without discrimination, subject to the guidelines of the Denzal Foundation Governing Council.

  13. An annual status report containing the activities and financial status of the chapter shall be prepared by all chapters, including the main chapter, and made available to all other chapters. The recommended deadline for this report is May 1 of each year. 

Denzal Foundation Chapter Events Form

event type

Thanks for updating the event! We'll get back to you soon.

The intention of the Denzal Foundation Chapter Events Form is to make sure that we do not miss out on any event that is been conducted. All the event details are collected in one place to ensure smooth running of the process is carried forward.

We request all the Chapter Heads to kindly Update the details of the Event

NOTE - Only Details captured in the form will be mentioned on Social Media and  Denzal Foundation Monthly Newsletter. Update needs to be done by latest 30th of every month.

We hope that you all will co-operate and provide your help & support like always.

upload report

Denzal Foundation Chapter Meetings

Denzal Foundation Monthly Chapter Meetings are held regularly. The main objective of these Meetings is to bring the Members and Volunteers together and chalkout a plan of action for the next month and the quarter. 

Please click on the below link to update details of your chapter meetings.

Denzal Foundation Chapter Meeting Form

  • Hvordan starter man et kapitel?
    Vi opfordrer dig til at starte et kapitel med lige-interesserede, hvis der ikke er noget kapitel i dit geografiske område, uanset hvad det er. Det første skridt er at afholde mindst ét offentligt program. Det næste skridt er at ansøge DENZAL FOUNDATION Governing Council om status som lokalafdeling (LC). Du kan forvente betydelig hjælp fra din region og ofte fra naboafdelinger.
  • Kapitelstatus gives normalt efter gruppen?
    Grupper, der opfylder alle forudsætningerne og følger retningslinjerne, tildeles kapitelstatus af Denzal Foundation Governing Council. Kapitelstatus gives normalt efter gruppen Har sendt medlemskontingent for ti eller flere personer til den nationale kasserer i Denzal Foundation, som har mødtes regelmæssigt i seks måneder og gennemført mindst 3 arrangementer i henhold til retningslinjerne fra Styrelsesrådet i deres region. Har en intern struktur Har kommunikeret regelmæssigt med deres region Har overholdt de generelle politikker og vedtægterne for Denzal Foundation . Har indvilliget i at deltage regelmæssigt i og bidrage til regionale og nationale organer både økonomisk såvel som intellektuelt. Når din gruppe har opnået kapitelstatus, kan aktive medlemmer fra kapitlet stemme ved nationale valg. Antallet af stemmer et kapitel har afhænger af antallet af aktive medlemmer i det pågældende kapitel, der har betalt landskontingenten. Se de gældende nationale vedtægter for stemmefordelingen.
  • Er der retningslinjer for programmer?
    Hvert kapitel har sin egen karakter, afhængigt af medlemmernes interesser. Programmer kan være om Denzal Foundations interesseområde eller om temaet uddannelse, kulturen, den aktuelle politiske eller økonomiske situation, eller hvad din gruppe nu er interesseret i. Mange ressourcer er tilgængelige via Denzal Foundations officielle hjemmeside. Hvert kapitel skal udføre Denzal Foundations flagskibsprogrammer, før du starter noget nyt.
  • Hvad er en Denzal Foundation Chapter og en Zone?
    A zone er en gruppe af medlemmer af Denzal Foundation for at fremme Denzal Foundations mission og mål i deres lokalområde. Typisk repræsenterer en zone en by i et givet distrikt. Et kapitel er en samling af zoner f.eks. Mumbai Chapter er en samling af alle zonerne i Mumbai.
  • Hvad er formålet med zonen og kapitlet?
    For at fremme Denzal Foundations mission og vision For bedre at organisere foreningen. At opdele og fordele opgaverne og processerne mellem hovedkontoret, kapitlerne og zonerne. For bedre at organisere velfærdsarbejdet på græsrodsniveau.
  • Hvem kan etablere et kapitel eller en zone?
    Alle 10 eller flere medlemmer af Denzal Foundation kan deltage for at etablere en zone eller et nyt kapitel, hvis der ikke er nogen i byen. Selvom der kan oprettes forskellige kapitler på forskellige universiteter/skoler og gymnasier i samme by
  • Hvilken type aktiviteter kan kapitlet udføre?
    Denzal Foundations flagskibsprogrammer Begivenheder om pædagogisk bevidsthed. Selv for at øge bevidstheden om emner relateret til udvalgte emner. Indsamling. Begivenheder for at invitere folk til at være frivillige. Henvis trængende mennesker i deres område for at få hjælp.
  • Hvilken type hjælp ydes af Denzal Foundations hovedkontor?
    Giv vejledning om etablering og drift af kapitlet Lyd støtte til eksekvering af Denzal Foundations flagskibsprogrammer Vejledning om velfærdsarbejde Supportsager refereret af kapitel Hjælp med at skabe netværk og forbinde medlemmer med hinanden.
  • what would be the agenda for chapter Kickstart Meeting
    Chapter Kickoff Meeting Agenda I. Welcome and Registration (10 minutes) Registration and sign-in for attendees. Providing name tags and materials. II. Opening Remarks (5 minutes) Welcoming attendees to the Denzal Foundation Chapter Kickoff Meeting. Brief introduction of the organization and its mission. Acknowledging the importance of local chapters in advancing the mission. III. Icebreaker Activity (10 minutes) A fun icebreaker to help attendees get to know each other. IV. Introduction to Denzal Foundation (15 minutes) Overview of Denzal Foundation's history, goals, and achievements. Introduction to the organization's headquarters in Delhi. Highlighting the presence of Denzal Foundation in multiple states and cities in India. V. Chapter Mission and Objectives (10 minutes) Explanation of the specific mission and objectives of the local chapter. How the chapter will contribute to the overall goals of Denzal Foundation. VI. Member Benefits (10 minutes) Discussion of the benefits of being a Denzal Foundation member. Emphasize opportunities for volunteering and welfare work at the local level. VII. Chapter Leadership Team (5 minutes) Introduction of the chapter's leadership team. Brief bios of key members and their roles within the chapter. VIII. Interactive Session (20 minutes) An interactive session where attendees can share their thoughts and expectations for the local chapter. Collecting ideas and suggestions for upcoming events and projects. IX. Q&A Session (15 minutes) Open the floor to questions from attendees. Encourage attendees to seek clarification and provide feedback. X. Membership Signup and Volunteer Opportunities (10 minutes) Explaining the process for becoming a member of the chapter. Showcasing available volunteer opportunities and how to get involved. XI. Networking Break (15 minutes) Time for attendees to network, connect with chapter leaders, and get to know each other. XII. Next Steps and Future Activities (10 minutes) Discussing upcoming chapter meetings, events, and projects. How attendees can stay engaged and participate in future activities. XIII. Closing Remarks (5 minutes) Express gratitude for attendees' participation. Encourage attendees to stay connected with the chapter and Denzal Foundation. XIV. Feedback and Survey (5 minutes) Distribute feedback forms to gather suggestions and input from attendees. XV. Conclusion (5 minutes) Thanking attendees once again for their participation. Sharing information on the next chapter meeting or event. XVI. Networking and Refreshments (Optional) Provide refreshments and additional time for networking if desired. This agenda can be adjusted based on your specific chapter's needs and time constraints. Make sure to allocate enough time for important sections and keep the meeting on schedule to ensure a productive and engaging kickoff event for your Denzal Foundation chapter.
  • Kan et medlem tilmelde sig mere end én afdeling?
    Et medlem kan deltage i mere end ét kapitel, men kun ét af dem kan være hans eller hendes primære kapitel.
  • Hvad er det årlige medlemsgebyr for en Denzal Foundation Chapter?
    Der er intet gebyr for at oprette Denzal Foundation Chapter.
  • Hvad er processen med at registrere et kapitel?
    Fyld kapitelanmodningen med mindst 10 medlemmer med en af dem som kapitelleder og en som sekretær. · Send ansøgningen til · Arranger et kapitel kickoff møde · Der vil blive lavet en præsentation, der forklarer formålet med og formålene med kapitlet. Kontakt: For mere information om Denzal Foundations aktuelle aktiviteter, eller hvis der er spørgsmål, som du har brug for at blive afklaret, så tøv ikke med at kontakte os på < span style="color: #0000cd;"> Eller ring til os på nedenstående nummer. Frøken. Shakeba Umar | +91 9667008108 |
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