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Denzal Foundation Education Awards

Denzal Foundation Education Awards

Malengo ya dhamira yanapaswa kufikiwa kwa mchanganyiko wa:

 seti ya kielektroniki

 TPACK Mtaala


 programu ya elimu

 open source zana za kompyuta kama Octave & Python

 pikipiki za raspberry,

 Maombi ya mahudhurio

data ya  iChem,


 Internet of Things (IoT)

 Nano science n.k.

1. The candidate being considered for the award will demonstrate outstanding ability in most, if not all, of the criteria below, in no particular order from your respective chapter.

2. Active and positive record of service in the field of academics for at least 10 years of teaching experience. (May be flexible for exceptional cases)

3. A record of outstanding teaching effectiveness in and out of the classroom, witnessed by several distinguished alumni.

4. The ability to inspire, support and sustain the intellectual development of students by being a role model.

5. The person should be highly regarded among students, peers and the community.

6. Development of innovative teaching techniques and regular application of these techniques in the classroom. In particular, the use of digital technologies and hands-on learning methods.

7. Should have published research publications in national/international journals or authored books. (Provide list of publications with link)

8. Involved in activities like organizing conferences/seminars/workshops at national or international level etc. (provide list)

9. They should have taken the initiative to contribute any innovative ideas at the university/college/school level or help students to file a patent.

10. May already received awards in the field of Education in the past. (List of past awards)

11. Established/co-founded an educational institute/college/group of schools especially in remote areas where educational infrastructure is lacking.


• Educators can also make their own nominations

• Nominations will be evaluated by an expert jury made up of educators and experts

• All panel decisions are final

• The last day for nomination is August 22, 2023

• Prizes will be announced on Teachers' Day, i.e. September 5, 2023

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