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DENZAL FOUNDATION inaendelea kujitahidi kwa ajili ya maendeleo ya jumuiya iliyochangamka na inayoendelea nchini India. Ili kufikia huo DENZAL FOUNDATION inalenga kufikia kila sehemu ya - jumuiya nchini India, kueneza ujumbe wa elimu, maendeleo na maendeleo.

Denzal Foundation webTalk is a global platform, welcoming people from almost every discipline and culture of the world who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change the world. Here we're building a platform of free knowledge from the world's most inspired and innovative thinkers — and a community of curious souls to engage with the ideas and each other, both online and at Denzal Foundation webTalk and Denzal Foundation webTalk events around the world .

In fact, everything we do  — is driven by this goal: How can we best spread great ideas?

Our agenda is to make great ideas accessible and spark conversation.

Kituo cha Rasilimali cha DENZAL FOUNDATION kinatarajiwa kuwa na Orodha ya kina ya Taasisi za Elimu, Orodha ya NGOs zinazojihusisha na shughuli za ufadhili, Orodha ya miradi muhimu ya serikali. Zaidi ya hayo kwa nia ya kutoa Mwongozo, data inaweza kuwa na, utaratibu wa uandikishaji, jinsi ya kukaribia, utaalam wa taasisi, kozi zinazotolewa, ufadhili wa masomo unaotolewa, mahali pa mawasiliano na mengi zaidi. Kituo cha Rasilimali kitakuwa muunganisho wa Taarifa na Mwongozo, na kitaundwa, ili mtumiaji wa mwisho aliye na uwezo mdogo apate taarifa anazohitaji na halazimiki kulazimisha sana. 

Kituo cha Nyenzo cha DENZAL FOUNDATION kama dhana inalenga kuwa chanzo cha data cha kuaminika cha taarifa muhimu kwa wahitaji  jumuiya. Hakika itabadilika kutokana na uzoefu. 

Do Not Worry… DENZAL FOUNDATION Will record all the LIVE WebTalk and upload them on our Website for you so that you do not miss out on the opportunities again.

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