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Denzal Foundation National Talent Search Exam (DFNTSE)

DENZAL FOUNDATION iliundwa na kikundi cha watu binafsi wenye matamanio na maono ambao walifikiria kuleta mabadiliko kwa jamii kupitia shirika la kipekee.

Wafuatao ni wanachama waanzilishi wa DENZAL FOUNDATION.

Students have the leverage to apply both online and offline for the DFNTSE exam. Students residing in India as well as those who are pursuing their education from other countries are also eligible for DFNTSE. The main objective of the DFNTSE exam is to evaluate a particular set of abilities in students. The Local Chapters or state Executive Teams shall conduct the Stage 1 examination, whereas Stage 2 shall be conducted at a national level by National coordination team in collaboration with DFDFNTSE team. Students who qualify for Stage 1 can appear for the Stage 2 exam.

2. Unaweza kutuma pesa mtandaoni au kuweka pesa taslimu kama michango chini ya Akaunti ifuatayo ya Benki.

Jina la Akaunti: Denzal Foundation

Aina ya Akaunti:

  • - ₹ 30,000 for 1st place winners

  • - ₹ 20,000 for 2nd place winners

  • - ₹ 10,000 for 3rd place winners

  • - ₹ 2,000 for 4th to 10th place Winners

  • - ₹ 1,000 for 11th to 50th place Winners

  • - ₹ 1,000 for each State Topper (in each category)

3. Cheki/DD ya 'Denzal Foundation' pia inaweza kuwekwa kwenye Anwani ifuatayo

Denzal Foundation,

Mara tu unapotoa michango, tafadhali usisahau kutuma barua ya uthibitisho kwetu

Asante sana kwa muda wako na kuzingatia. Unaweza kuendelea na DENZAL FOUNDATION, juhudi zake na maendeleo yetu katika 
  • Special Certificates for Top 10 National-level Winners (in each category)

  • Certificates of Merit for Top 1% National-level Winners (in each category)

  • Certificates for Top 10 State-level Winners (in each category)

  • Certificates of merit for Top 1% State-level Winners (in each category)

  • Certificates of Participation to all registered participants


  • DENZAL FOUNDATION will guide deserving and needy students in applying for funds through its Crowdfunding platform 

  • DENZAL FOUNDATION will provide free guidance and mentorship by experts from top corporates and academic institutions to all students 

  • Students can take advantage of the numerous Scholarship programs offered by various National or International Institutes and Organizations that are supported and promoted on DENZAL FOUNDATION’s platform

  • DENZAL FOUNDATION will extend support through its employment  website  DENZAL  to reduce the gap between the recruiter and job seeker by offering free Resume Assistance, Skills & Employability training and more.


Following Initiatives by DENZAL FOUNDATION are strongly focused on Students’ Higher Education & Professional Training. All participating students will be invited to participate in the following flagship programs conducted by DENZAL FOUNDATION

  • Employability Training Programs (ETPs)

  • Employment assistance through Job Fairs & Campus Placement Programs

  • Skill Training Programs (Job Oriented Training)

  • Scholarship Guidance and Assistance

  • International Scholarship Guidance

  • Financial Assistance for Higher Education

  • Internship Programs

  • Students’ Mentorship by Industry Experts

DFNTSE  Highlights

Dk. Nida Umar ana shauku ya kufanya kazi kwa ajili ya kuinua jamii. Anahusishwa kikamilifu na DENZAL FOUNDATION tangu siku zake za awali na ni mmoja wa waanzilishi-wenza wa DENZAL FOUNDATION. Yeye ni mwambata wa kanuni za Usimamizi wa Ubora Jumla kama falsafa ya usimamizi ambayo inalenga kutumia rasilimali watu na nyenzo kwa njia bora zaidi ili kufikia malengo ya shirika na kutii pia. Kwa upande wa kitaaluma Dr.Nida anafanya kazi kama daktari wa meno na mtaalamu wa Smile Makeover katika huduma ya Denzal Dental. Ana uzoefu mzuri wa zaidi ya 5.

                                                          Stage-II: National level

Anaenda kwa mistari ya Mahatma Gandhi, "Ikiwa nina imani kwamba ninaweza kuifanya, hakika nitapata uwezo wa kuifanya hata kama siwezi kuwa nayo mwanzoni."

Mode of Application                Both Online & Offline

Eligibility                                       The student should be pursuing Class X and be below 18 years of age.

Exam Mode                                 Offline-Pen and paper-based

Exam Duration                           MAT: 2 hours
                                                          SAT: 2 hours

Language                                    Stage-I: English or any regional language as opted by the candidate.
                                                          Stage-II: English or Hindi

Syed Ali Umar

Syed Ali Umar anatoka katika mojawapo ya familia za wafanyabiashara kutoka Delhi. Anaonekana kama mtu mwenye sura ngumu ya nje lakini ndani laini na yuko tayari kila wakati kumpa mtu yeyote anayekuja kuomba msaada. Kwa kawaida hutoka na mawazo mengi ya ubunifu ya biashara, wakati huo huo anajali sana ustawi wa jamii.

Ali Umar ni Mjasiriamali wa mfululizo na Mbuni wa Visual mwenye kipawa aliye na uzoefu wa miaka 6 katika Usanifu na Uchapishaji. Yeye ni Mwanzilishi Mwenza wa kampuni ya kubuni inayoitwa Dezalia na kampuni ya chakula inayoitwa Legato Foods. Amekuwa akifanya kazi mbalimbali za kubuni kwa nafasi nyingi za Biashara na anashughulika zaidi katika miradi ya kubuni ya turnkey kwa nafasi za kibiashara na vile vile Matangazo ya dijiti kwa nyumba nyingi za biashara na biashara. Kipaji chake kimetambulika vyema na kutumika ipasavyo katika DENZAL FOUNDATION ambapo Anaongoza Timu ya kubuni. Daima amekuwa akikubali na kusaidia wote.

State / Union Territory                                                                                              Dates

DFNTSE exam date for all states & Union territories                                 To be announced

DFNTSE exam date for Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, and

Andaman, and Nicobar Islands (Stage 1)                                                      To be announced

DFNTSE Eligibility Criteria 2023


DFNTSE Eligibility Criteria For Regular Students
  • The candidate must be below 18 years as of January 1, 2023.

  • The candidate should be pursuing class 10 from any government/private school located in India.

DFNTSE Eligibility Criteria For Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Students

Students pursuing their 10th from open or distance learning can also attempt DFNTSE under these conditions:

  • The candidate must be under 18 as of January 1, 2023.

  • The candidate should be a full-time student without any kind of employment.

  • The candidate should be appearing for the class 10th examination for the first time.

DFNTSE Eligibility Criteria For Students Studying Abroad

Indian residents who are studying abroad can also attempt the DFNTSE exam under these conditions:

  • The student must be an Indian National.

  • If the candidate is pursuing class 10th or equivalent, then he/she is directly eligible for Stage 2.

  • The candidate should have scored a minimum of 60% in class IX final exams.

  • The candidate must opt for an examination center located in India.

  • Must make a request with the institution he/she is studying at along with the attested class IX mark sheet at the Department of Educational Survey Division, NCERT.

  • The candidate is eligible for the scholarship only if he/she continues his/her further studies from India.

Kichwa cha Ukurasa

  • The paper is divided into two parts - SAT & MAT. There are 100 questions in both SAT & MAT (Maths - 20, Science - 40, Social Science - 40).

  • The duration of both MAT & SAT is 120 minutes or 2 hours.

  • There is no negative marking. Candidates who qualify in both exams will be considered separately for merit.

  • The selection of the candidate who is eligible for the scholarship will be on the basis of his/her total score in MAT & SAT.

Hiki ni Kifungu. Bofya kwenye "Hariri Maandishi" au ubofye mara mbili kwenye kisanduku cha maandishi ili kuanza kuhariri maudhui na uhakikishe kuwa umeongeza maelezo yoyote muhimu au taarifa ambayo ungependa kushiriki na wageni wako.

Test Name                              Subjects                               No. of Questions         Maximum Marks                   Allocated Time

MAT                                        Aptitude Test                                       100                                   100                                      2 hours

SAT                        Science, Social Science, Maths                   100                                    100                                    2 hours

Kichwa cha Orodha

Hiki ni Kifungu. Bofya kwenye "Hariri Maandishi" au ubofye mara mbili kwenye kisanduku cha maandishi ili kuanza kuhariri maudhui na uhakikishe kuwa umeongeza maelezo yoyote muhimu au taarifa ambayo ungependa kushiriki na wageni wako.


We are looking for people who care about children’s education, to work as volunteers for the upcoming National Talent Search, India’s biggest quiz competition. We invite you to be a District NTS Ambassador for this National Talent Search and take the message to every school, every teacher, every parent and every student. How to get involved? Simply fill this form and we will get in touch with you. You may be an Institution, Organization, NGO, Professor, Teacher, or the Principal of a School or College- if you spend only 7-10 hours a week you would be able to make a difference in thousands of lives.



  • Promote and create awareness about NTS in your city, institution, and neighborhood

  • Help students register online

  • Connect with all schools, teachers, principals, and management in your city

  • Connect with all colleges, professors, principals, and management in your city

  • Talk to Community Leaders, Ulema, and NGOs in your City, and

  • Interact, engage and coordinate with other NTS Ambassadors in your city/state.


We invite all Schools, Colleges and Institutions to register in advance for this Competition. We will keep you posted on the latest developments about the online registration process and other details.

Mtihani wa ushindani wa kila India utafanywa kila mwaka kwa wanafunzi wa darasa la 10 katika hatua mbili - Hatua ya 1 (Ngazi ya Jimbo) na Hatua ya 2 (Ngazi ya Kitaifa). Ikiwa mtahiniwa anataka kustahiki kupokea udhamini huo, atalazimika kufuta mitihani yote miwili.
  • Best Performance Award: Certificate of Excellence will be given to 100 Top performing Schools/ Colleges/ Institutes

  • Best Participation Award: Certificate of Appreciation will be presented to all the Schools/ Colleges/ Institutes that enroll more than 100 Students for the competition

  • Outstanding Participation Award: Certificate of Appreciation will be presented to all the Schools/ Colleges/ Institutes that enroll more than 1000 Students for the competition

Role Of Schools/ Colleges/ Institutes:
  • Promote and create awareness about NTS in your institution

  • Help maximum students Enrol in this exciting Competition

  • Help Students understand the Syllabus, Registration Process and any other detail, etc


We are approaching some Very Special NGOs, organizations and Institutions to be a part of NTS2022. With this effort, we would like to make this competition a National Community Initiative

Role of Supporting Organization/Partner:
  • Promote and create awareness about NTS in your City, State, Institution, and working area

  • Help students register online

  • Connect with all schools, teachers, principals, and management in your city

  • Connect with all colleges, professors, principals, and management in your city

  • Talk to Community Leaders, Ulema and other NGOs.

  • Interact, engage and coordinate with other partners.

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