We are eager to welcome you to the Denzal Foundation donor family
Denzal Foundation Donor Family is a family of changemakers who believe we can help individual survive, thrive, and grow to their full potential when we all unite as a family and pledge to support every human being

Why Donate Denzal Foundation

We would love to welcome you to our family with a gift, a letter, and a card sent to your residential address.

You are joined by many other like-minded changemakers from across the country who believe in collective efforts.

We issue a certificate of membership to welcome you to the Donor Family and honour your contribution.

You get access to exclusive events curated by our partners and staff

Our regular updates will keep you informed and assured that your donation is actually helping individuals across India.

You will receive a chance to connect with other members of the family and share thoughts, opinions, and opportunities.

You're free to increase or decrease your donation amount as per your convenience. We appreciate any and every contribution you make.

You're free to pause or stop your donation amount and restart it whenever you feel comfortable to rejoin the Denzal Foundation Donor Family.

You're free to change the card or bank account linked with your recurring donation. It's your contribution that counts.
Make A Donation
In our endeavour to do more for the society we need your financial support without which it is not possible to execute projects smoothly. We have many social initiatives for which we need funds so that maximum people can benefit from the same. We appeal to you to join hands with us and thus help us to build a strong society.
You can donate to DENZAL FOUNDATION by the following options:
1. Click on the below link to donate online using your Indian Bank Account.
2. You can make the online transfer or cash deposit as donations under the following Bank Account.
Bank Account Details
Account Name: Denzal Foundation
Account No. :
Account Type:
3. Cheque/DD for ‘Denzal Foundation’ can also be posted on the following Address
Denzal Foundation,
Once you make the donations, please do not forget to send a confirmation mail to us on denzalfoundation@gmail.co
Thank you very much for your time and consideration. You can keep up with DENZAL FOUNDATION, its efforts and our progress at www.Denzal Foundationindia.org
Donate Interest
Interest/Riba/ Usury is An important issue that’ gradually destroying the Deen and Akhirah of the people of muslims and particularly that of the working professionals;
Interest is something that is known to anyone living in the modern world, it has become so completely institutionalized and accepted in today’s economies that it is almost impossible to stay away from paying or receiving interest.
Quarterly interest deposited by your bank in your Salary/Savings Account is one such source, though the amount is small, it still is categorised as interest.
The Scholars from all schools of thoughts have agreed on the usage of the Interest for helping the needy, instead of leaving it in the bank for some UN-ISLAMIC acts. With regard to the interest that the bank has given to you, do not give it back to the bank (else they use it to earn more interest and can sometime use against us) and do not consume it yourself. Rather spend it on charitable causes, such as giving it to the poor and needy. But it should be remembered that this amount is forbidden only for the person who has received it as interest. The poor persons who get it as charity can use this amount for their personal benefits. It can be given to your relatives as well who are needy.
Interest Disposal:
Now the question arises what should one do with the interest money one has already accumulated in the past in ignorance of the Laws of Allah or is being accumulated with no authority over it e.g. Quarterly Interest Deposit in your Salary/Saving Account?
For the unlawful interest money that one has accumulated, we have two choices:
You may either leave it in the bank.
You may take it and dispose it for the benefit of the underprivileged.
With Allah’s guidance, if you now wish to dispose of that illegal money, the scholars are of the opinion that one may take this interest with the intention that he wants to rid himself of this evil thing, and give it away to some charity without seeking any reward from Allah for this spending. The believer, who does this only because he fears the accounting of Allah in the Aakirah, will, InshaAllah, be rewarded for keeping himself pure from the evils of interest.
DENZAL FOUNDATION provides a platform to people to donate their Quarterly/Annual interest in charity so that this amount can be used by DENZAL FOUNDATION for the upliftment of the Muslim Community by way of Educational & Economic empowerment.
So get rid of Interest/Riba and purify your wealth by supporting the DENZAL FOUNDATION movement!
You may either deposit your interest money in the following Bank Account below;
Account Name
Denzal Foundation - Interest
Account No.
Account Type
Bank Name
Make an Online Payment by clicking on the link below;
1) Please ensure that you mention ‘Interest Money’ as the ‘Donation Type’, so that we may spend your interest money correctly.
2) Interest money, according to the most careful opinion, is good for any charitable purpose (including educational fees for poor students).
Angel campaign: Annual Fund Raising
‘DENZAL FOUNDATION Angel campaign’, an annual Fund-Raising event run only to generate administrative, program and operational funds that, as a whole will result in providing Education, Employment and Empowerment to the Community. We have increased our annual activities and programs following a heavy demand from people like you; who care and want to do something positive for the Society. We thus appeal you to become an ‘DENZAL FOUNDATION Angel’ by contributing your bit and help us achieve the defined goals for the Community in 2022.
Join our ‘DENZAL FOUNDATION Angels Campaign’ by contributing a small amount of Minimum INR 2,000 or more (if you wish), to make that difference to the lives of our less-privileged individuals within the community and society at large. Inspire more and more people, your Friends, Family and other close ones by bringing them onboard to contribute to the DENZAL FOUNDATION Angel Fund.
You May Donate Online:
You May Donate through NEFT/IMPS/RTGS:
Bank Account Name:
Bank Name:
Bank Account Number:
IFSC Code:
We sincerely and whole-heartedly thank you for your valued contributions.
Note: The Funds generated will be used for Admin Expenses to execute DENZAL FOUNDATION Projects at National Level