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Membership Information

The  DENZAL FOUNDATION has opened its membership to individuals or institutions and welcomes applications from students, lawyers, mental health professionals, teachers, and other professionals interested in enhancing lives and entrepreneurial skills of the youth of the country .

There exist a large number of educational  and research institutions, connected with education and upliftment of the life of individuals and these would benefit greatly if their efforts are synergised and they learn and support each other. We also wish to encourage entrepreneurial skills. 

The current members are individuals and organisations from a wide range of professional backgrounds and from all corners of the country.

The benefits that will accrue will be establishment of a unique link between teachers, mentors, students, professionals and academics with an interest in educational and economic empowerment of the youth. This will also contribute towards nation-building. Joining DENZAL FOUNDATION, as a member will permit individuals or the institution to which you belong to be a part of larger pan-Indian network.

Why become a DENZAL FOUNDATION member?

Be part of the movement!!! In our endeavour to do more for the society we need your support  and contribution without which it is not possible to execute projects smoothly. We have many social initiatives for which we need you so that maximum people can benefit from the same. We appeal to you to join hands with us and thus help us to build a strong society by joining DENZAL FOUNDATION as member

Institutional membership

Any institutions or NGOs engaged in social & economic upliftment, education, and/or having similar objects shall be appointed as Institutional member, the head of the same institution shall represent the institution, with having one vote right.

  • Membership Fee INR 5,000/-

Individual membership

Any individual who wants to become a member who agrees to abide by the rules and obligations of the Trust, with having one vote right

  • Membership Fee INR 1,000/-

Associate membership

Associate members are those who will assist in the working of the Trust, with no voting rights.

  • Membership Fee INR 5,00/-

BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER            00000000000

IFSC Code                                               000000000400

A/C Type                                                  Saving Account

BANK NAME                                           Axis Bank

BRANCH NAME                                   Jasola, Delhi

                     Payment Through NEFT Only

Membership Application

Please complete the form to become a member .

Thanks for submitting!

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