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Denzal Foundation Leadership Structure


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  1. National Coordination Team (NCT)

  2. State Executive Team (SET)

  3. Project Teams

  4. Chapter Executive Team 

  5. International Coordination Team (ICT) 

  6. Country Executive Team (CET)

2. 四半期ベース:

• 寄付/ Rs を寄付します。 4,000/- 子供 1 人あたり 3 か月間




  • NCT & ICT will be directly reporting to the DENZAL FOUNDATION Governing Council which is the highest body of decision making at DENZAL FOUNDATION. 

  • SET will be directly reporting to DENZAL FOUNDATION National Coordination Team for any kind of coordination relating to their respective State

  • CET will be directly reporting to DENZAL FOUNDATION International Coordination Team for any kind of coordination relating to their respective country

  • These Teams will be valid for one year 


Responsible for conceptualizing, planning, coordinating, and implementing Denzal Foundation Projects in all cities/chapters in their state

Project Teams

Responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing Denzal Foundation Projects in all cities and chapters across India.

Reporting directly to the State Executive Team (SET) for any coordination required at Chapter Level.  



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